
Testimonial Pro is a WordPress based plugin that helps to manage your multiple Testimonial."Testimonial Pro" have multiple layouts to show testimonial differently, also each and every testimonial layout have their own settings like hiding and show title, designation, client photo, site URL, rating, navigation, pagination, change the color of title, designation, and many more.

(A). Plugin Installation

Step 1. First download the plugin from your Codecanyon Account.

Step 2. Upload, Install & Activate plugin into a WordPress site.

(B). Plugin Installation (Codecanyon) Codecanyon

Step 1. First download the plugin.

Step 2. Upload, Install & Activate plugin into a WordPress site.

(C). Plugin Installation (Weblizar) weblizar

Step 1. First download the plugin.

Step 2. Upload, Install & Activate plugin into a WordPress site.

Plugin Features

Testimonial Group :-

Testimonial Group facilitates to add multiple testimonials at once.

Multiple Layouts :-

Testimonial Pro has multiple layouts like grid, slider, card, quotes.

Mutliple Color Picker :-

Testimonial Pro has multiple color picker.

Testimonial Category :-

Testimonial Pro has category feature.

Fully Responive :-

Testimonial Pro has fully responsive design.

Layout Settings :-

Layout Settings is for showing settings of different layout like hiding and show title, site URL, designation, client photo, rating, and many more.

Review Frontend Form :-

Review Frontend Form is for submitting review with their details like wise title, site URL, designation, client photo, rating, and many more.

Review Category :-

In Review Category section user can give review based on categories and for each category user can select different layout, their settings and shortcode.

ALL Reviews :-

In All Reviews section user can select different layout, their settings for all reviews categories.

Admin Dashboard

1). Go to testimonial menu.

2). Add new testimonial by click on Add New.

3). Fill all fields of the form and choose settings of your choice.

4). Shortcode for Testimonial Pro like [TP id=85]

Admin Dashboard

Testimonial Group

You can add multiple testimonial.

Add New Testimonial

Style Layout 1 ( Grid Layout )

1). Layout 1 is used for showing testimonial in Grid format.

2). Layout 1 has some settings like hiding and shows title, site URL, designation, client photo, rating, change the color of title, link, designation, rating, also change the alignment of a header, and many more.

Layout 1 ( Grid Layout ) Layout 1 Main Settings Layout 1 Style Settings

Style Layout 2 ( Slider Layout )

1). Layout 2 is used for showing testimonial in Slider format.

2). Layout 2 has some settings like hiding and show title, site URL, designation, client photo, rating, Testimonial per slide, pagination, navigation, autoplay, rewind navigation, rewind speed, pagination speed, change the color of title, designation, link, rating, card background, card font.

Layout 2 ( Slider Layout ) Layout 2 Main Settings Layout 2 Style Settings

Style Layout 3 ( Card Layout )

1). Layout 3 is used for showing testimonial in Card format.

2). Layout 3 has some settings like hiding and show title, site URL, designation, client photo, rating, Testimonial per slide, pagination, navigation, autoplay, rewind navigation, rewind speed, pagination speed, change the color of title, designation, link, rating, card background, card font, card border, card navigation.

Layout 3 ( Card Layout ) Layout 3 Main Settings Layout 3 Style Settings

Style Layout 4 ( Quotes Layout )

1). Layout 4 is used for showing testimonial in Quotes format.

2). Layout 4 has some settings like hiding and show title, site URL, designation, client photo, rating, navigation, autoplay, rewind navigation, rewind speed, change the color of title, designation, link, rating, card background, card font, card border, card navigation.

Layout 4 ( Quotes Layout ) Layout 4 Main Settings Layout 4 Style Settings

Style Layout 5

1). Layout 5 is used for showing testimonial in diffrent layout.

2). Layout 5 has some settings like hiding and show title, site URL, designation, client photo, rating, navigation, autoplay, rewind navigation, rewind speed, change the color of title, designation, link, rating, card background, card font, card border, card navigation.

Layout 5

Layout 5 Main Settings

Layout 5 Style Settings

Style Layout 6

1). Layout 6 is used for showing testimonial in diffrent layout.

2). Layout 6 has some settings like hiding and show title, site URL, designation, client photo, rating, navigation, autoplay, rewind navigation, rewind speed, change the color of title, designation, link, rating, card background, card font, card border, card navigation.

Layout 6 Layout 6 Main Settings Layout 6 Style Settings

Style Layout 7

1). Layout 7 is used for showing testimonial in diffrent layout.

2). Layout 7 has some settings like hiding and show title, site URL, designation, client photo, rating, navigation, autoplay, rewind navigation, rewind speed, change the color of title, designation, link, rating, card background, card font, card border, card navigation.

Layout 7 Layout 7 Main Settings Layout 7 Style Settings

Style Layout 8

1). Layout 8 is used for showing testimonial in diffrent layout.

2). Layout 8 has some settings like hiding and show title, site URL, designation, client photo, rating, navigation, autoplay, rewind navigation, rewind speed, change the color of title, designation, link, rating, card background, card font, card border, card navigation.

Layout 8 Layout 8 Main Settings Layout 8 Style Settings

Review Form

In the "Review Form" reviewer can leave their review based on category or other details like their name, photo, site URl, company name, and many more.

Review Form

Review Shortcode Panel

In this panel user can set layout and settings for all reviews and also can copy shortcodes for all category and review form respectively.

Review Shortcode Panel

Review Panel

In this panel user can see all reviews and their category with espective ratings.

Review Panel Single Review

Review Category

In this panel user can see all categories and their shortcodes.

Review Category update Review Category

Help and Support

If you face any trouble OR required any assistance to set up and configure the plugin, please post your query on Support Forum. We will try our best to resolve our query on the forum.

And your suggestions for more features and improvements for our plugin is really appreciated.

Thanks for reading this documentation.