“Employee & HR Management” Documentation by “Weblizar” version 1.0

“Employee & HR Management”

Created: 05 august 2019
By: Weblizar
Email: lizarweb@gmail.com

Employee & HR Management Plugin is used for on-line worker time tracking, it permits employers to easily clock in clock out with their system. Track the attendance of all registered employees with a clock in or out a system. You can manage Departments, Employees Attendance, Salary, Real Time Working Hours, Tasks, Monthly Report Generation, Multi TimeZone Login, Leaves, Notices.

Key Contents:

  1. Plugin Installation
  2. Brief Description
  3. HR & Employee Option
  4. Reports
  5. Staff Management
  6. Shift Management
  7. Designations Management
  8. Holidays Management
  9. Leave Request
  10. Event Management
  11. Notice Management
  12. Payroll
  13. Settings
  14. Help and Support

1. Plugin Installation

Step 1.First download the plugin from your Weblizar Account
Step 2.Upload, Install & Activate plugin into a WordPress site

Now the plugin is successfully installed on our site.

2. Brief Description

Our comprehensive system supports businesses by providing associate worker clock, Salary status (Monthly or Hourly), Leave Management Module and Attendance Management Module etc. Managing workers shift is now very easy. Add workers and manage their work in and out time. Check your worker’s monthly report, you’ll be able to track all workers attendants. you’ll be able to add business holidays to the system so your workers can see business holidays on their dashboard. Clock In Pro Features contain Set Your Timezone, check Salary status (Monthly or Hourly), IP Restrictions can be defined for Employees, Shift Management, Holiday Listing, Leave Management, Event Management and Notice Management.

3.Employee & HR Management

Employee & HR Management Option display Dashboard of Today’s Status, display the list of employees their name, today’s date, office in, office out, lunch in, lunch out, punctuality, IP address, location, status, and action of each employee.

Go to Dashboard -> Employee & HR Management -> Employee & HR Management option.

Admin Dashboard –

Admin Dashboard  

Staff Dashboard –

Staff Dashboard


Reports Option display report of an employee. You can filter record using staff member name, month or days(attend days, absent days or all days). You can filter record according to month – previous month, current month, previous 3 months, previous 6 months, previous 9 months, or previous 1 year.

Go to Dashboard -> Employee & HR Management -> Reports option.


5.Staff Management

Go to Dashboard -> Employee & HR Management -> Staff option.

Staff Registeration

Staff  Details List

6.Shift Management

Shift Management

7.Designation Management

Designation Management

8.Holidays Management

Holidays Management

9.Leave Request Management

Leave Request panel display list of leave taken by employees their name, title, description, date, number of days and status. You can filter leave request according to months or pending, approved and canceled leave. You can filter leave request according to month – previous 1 year, previous 9 months, previous 6 months, previous 3 months, previous month, current month, next 3 months, next 6 months, next 9 months or next 1 year.

Go to Dashboard -> Employee & HR Management -> Leave option.

Admin Panel –

Leave Request

Staff Panel –

Leave Request

10.Event Management

Add Event –

Event Management

11.Notice Management

Add Notice –

Notice Management

12. Payroll

Add Payroll –



Settings options have some general settings regarding plugin, staff settings and message and text settings.

Go to Dashboard -> Employee & HR Management -> Settings option.

General Settings –


14. Help and Support

If you face any trouble OR required any assistance to set up and configure the plugin, please post your query on Support Forum. We will try our best to resolve our query on the forum.

And your suggestions for more features and improvements for our plugin is really appreciated.

Thanks for reading this documentation.