The Pinterest Feed Pro plugin allow you quick and easily set up a Pinterest profile, pins and boards with many more option for your website.
1. Plugin Installation
2. Get and Set your access token to access your profile
3. Setup Your Pinterest Profile, Pins and Boards output with Live preview and Many more
Now, we are explaining about installation, configuration and publishing the outputs using Pinterest Feed Pro plugin.
Follow the step by step guide
Upload, Install & Activate plugin into WordPress site.
Now our plugin is successfully installed on our site, In next step we will get and set Access Token.
Click to Get Your Pinterest Access Token Button, and get an access token:
Now Select as required option and, Click on Generate Token Button
Now You see a POPUP window as below image. You accept by clicking on Okay button.
Now You get a Access token of your Pinterest id.
Copy and paste access token in the Access Token field and click the save options button.
All above steps will show your profile, pins and boards . You can customized outputs as your choice.
Pinterest Profile Settings : In this section we will discuss about pinterest profile settings.
there are maximum customization option for pinterest profile like
1. Profile Template ON/OFF : Hide/show whole profile section from output
2. Profile Image ON/OFF : Hide/show profile Image form pinterest profile output
3. Name ON/OFF : Hide/show User Name form pinterest profile output
4. Description ON/OFF : Hide/show Short description of your pinterest profile
5. Stat (Counts ) ON/OFF : Hide/show Whole counts section of your pinterest profile where you show/hide your total pins, boards, followers, Following and total likes
6. Follow Button : This button will redirect on your pinterest profile link
Preview : This option will hide/show live preview of output which you customized and setup.
Pinterest Board Settings :
Same as Profile section you can customized by all settings options of the Board section of your pinterest profile feed.
there are maximum customization option for pinterest board section like
1. board Template ON/OFF : Hide/show whole Board section output
2. Board layout settings : By select option field, you can setup board layout output as 1 to 4 column.
3. Image ON/OFF : Hide/show board thumbnail image.
4. Name ON/OFF : Hide/show Board name.
5.Create details ON/OFF : Hide/show time, when boards was created.
6. Stat (Counts ) ON/OFF : Hide/show Whole counts section or separate one. Where you show/hide your total pins, followers of boards.
Pinterest Pins Settings :
As board and profile, there are maximum customization option for pinterest pins section also :
1. Pins Template ON/OFF : Hide/show whole Pins section from output
2. Board slug id ( to select the Board for pins) : By this option you can select the one and more board which you want to show the related pins
3. Limits ( to show the no of pins) : By this option you can define the limits of pins of every single board. For example : You set the limits: 25 that mean every single board will show only maximum the 25 pins.
4. Pins layout settings : By select option field, you can setup Pins layout output as 1 to 4 column.
5. Image ON/OFF : Hide/show Pins image.
6. Stat (Counts ) ON/OFF : Hide/show Whole counts section or separate one. Where you show/hide your total Likes, Comments and Repins of pin.
7. Description ON/OFF : Hide/show description of pins
8. Profile ON/OFF : Hide/show Profile section with pins
Live Preview ON/OFF: This option will hide/show live preview of output which you customized and setup.
Custom CSS : We added a Custom css textbox field, where you can add your CSS to customized the Pinterest outputs as your required
Important! Update from Pinterest Development Team :
Effective April 16 2018, all unapproved apps are allowed 10 calls per hour for each unique user token.
After you successfully submit an app for approval, each app (with a unique app ID) is allowed 1000 calls per hour for each unique user token.
In both cases, the 60-minute window is a sliding window based on when you make your first request. If you hit your rate limit, you’ll have to wait a minimum of 1 hour to get a few more requests.
Read Here [ ] for more detailed info.