Twitter Tweets Pro is an advanced twitter plugin which can display twitter feeds on your WordPress website in an elegant and customizable manner. It supports multiple twitter accounts without any limitations.
3.2. Twitter Tweets Pro Settings
3.4. Twitter Feed Style Settings
3.5. Twitter Feed Layout Settings
5. Displaying Twitter Feed using Shortcode
Step 1. First download the plugin from your Weblizar Account.
Step 2. Upload, Install & Activate plugin into a WordPress site.
Step 1. First download the plugin.
Step 2. Upload, Install & Activate plugin into a WordPress site.
Step 3. Find the KEY of Product as “Item Purchase Code” which is in text file. [See screenshot]
Multiple Twitter feeds with no limitations
Display any number of twitter feeds on different pages or posts without any limitations.
Feeds of multiple Users, hashtags or search terms
Twitter Feeds can be shown from multiple twitter accounts, or using hashtags, search terms etc.
Filter Tweets by hashtag or words
Filter tweets that is to be displayed by specifying a hashtag or word.
Display Tweets in Slider
It is also possible to display tweets in a configurable Carousel Slider. You can enable or disable auto play or set its auto play time.
Configurable number of tweets to display
You can also limit the number of tweets that is to be shown in your website.
Load more Tweets
There is also a load more button to load the remaining tweets.
Style Settings
You can configure feed background color, tweet background color, font color, font size, font weight and many more options.
Google Fonts
You can also choose google font that is to be used in your twitter feed.
Tweet Actions (reply, retweet, like)
When showing twitter feeds, users can also reply, retweet or like a tweet.
Share Tweets on Social Media
Also, users can share tweets from your website to social media like Facebook, Google Plus etc.
Update Twitter Status
You can also directly post a tweet from your WordPress website to update your twitter status.
To display tweets on your website, first of all you need to specify the following at the time of adding a new feed:
Login to your twitter account from, create a new app. Then, navigate to “Keys and Access Tokens” tab. Here, you can find the relevant details.
Once you have access tokens and keys, fill them in “Settings” section.
When adding a new twitter feed, you can select any of the following option to control which tweets you want to show on your website. The following options are available:
An option to show images is also available. Also, you can show videos, gifs from your timeline. Lastly, you can control the number of tweets you want to display.
In “Style Settings” section, you can customize how your twitter feed style looks. Here, you can change the following:
To change the layout, in “Layout Settings”, you can select Layout as “One Column”, “Two Column”, “Three Column”, “Four Column”, “Six Column” etc.
You can also mute or unmute the user in “Mute/Unmute The User” section. Here, you will need to specify the screen name of the user.
In “Profile Details” section, you can the the number of followers and number of friends.
If you want to post a new tweet directly from your WordPress admin panel, then in “Update Twitter Status” section, you can provide your message body, and check “Post your tweet from here”.
To display the twitter feed in a page or a post, use the Shortcode given in “Copy shortcode” section.
If you face any trouble OR required any assistance to set up and configure the plugin, please post your query on Support Forum. We will try our best to resolve our query on the forum.
And your suggestions for more features and improvements for our plugin is really appreciated.
Thanks for reading this documentation.